Friday, August 27, 2010

Levi Johnston regrets apologizing to Sarah Palin: "I've never lied about anything"

The father of Sarah Palin's grandson and former Playgirl model Levi Johnston has said that he regrets apologizing to his mother-in-law, the former Vice Presidential nominee for the 2008 Republican bid for the White House, because he sounded 'like a liar'.

According to CBS News, Johnston says that he regrets having apologized about lying because he's 'never lied about anything'.

"I don't really regret anything," Johnston said, who has appeared nude on the cover of a female-targeted pornographic magazine. "But the only thing I wish I wouldn't have done is put out that apology 'cause it kind of makes me sound like a liar. And I've never lied about anything. So that's probably the only thing. The rest of the stuff I can live with."

Johnston has expressed some interest in politics since becoming part of the Palin's extended family, reports CBS, "While he has not officially declared which political office he aspires to, his manager, Tank Jones, has said Johnston is interested in a run for mayor or city council. Earlier this month, Jones confirmed the 20-year-old Johnston planned to run for office as part of a reality TV show." The network reported. 

"I can't guarantee or promise you anything but I'm gonna try... That's the goal," he said. [CBS News]
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