Friday, June 18, 2010

Katy Perry's new "California Gurls" video is four minutes of confusing visual oddity

Perhaps the best review I've read so far of Katy Perry's new music video for "California Gurls" was one of the top rated comments on its YouTube video page. The amateur critic poignantly noted "I have lived in California for years and I have never seen anything like this".

Personally, I don't think anyone has. The video (which can be found here) contains every candy-related gimmick whatsoever - a visual eye candy wonderland filled with childlike (well, kind of) fantasies with adult themes.

What is so unusual about the video is the use and application of such a theme and general aesthetic appeal. This is true for so much of the video that one is left asking - just one and a half minutes in - what any of what you've just seen has to do with California.

Snoop Dog also features in the video - with the mandatory big ol' pimping cane to complete the image. [Watch the full video on YouTube]
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